Extended Life for Diaphragm Expansion Tanks

July 3, 2018

In the May/June, 2018 issue of ICM, I wrote about using a valve configuration similar to what is used on commercial hydronic systems to facilitate checking the charge on these tanks and to perhaps extend …

It's Not So Common

From unheard of to almost mandatory, the thermostat common wire or “C wire” has become a major issue.  What is a C wire? The common wire is the neutral wire from the 24V transformer that …

How to Establish Control of the Service Call

An assertive person is a person who thinks proactively and does not wait for events to occur. In other words, they don’t wait to react; they plan and move ahead of anticipated events. Obviously, we …

Using Data to Turn Service from Reactive to Proactive

For decades, there has been talk of running a more efficient business. Finance departments want budgets and price cap programs. Delivery departments want to increase their delivery size via remote tank monitors and to use …

Meridian Gives Tasse's Sullivan Women in Petroleum Award

Meridian Associates, Inc. hosted “Women in Petroleum 2018” in Palm Beach, FL in June and awarded the Outstanding Women in Petroleum for 2018 in the non-owner category to Christine Sullivan, Customer Service and Purchasing Supervisor, …

94-year-old Columbus HVAC Company Names President

June 27, 2018

Source: Tristan Navera  – Staff reporter, Columbus Business FirstMark Favret, president of Favret Heating & Cooling, is retiring and his cousin, Phil Favret, is taking the lead of the company, which was founded by their …

Seth Obetz Creates New Company Under Shipley Energy

June 25, 2018

The former co-owner of Worley & Obetz, the Lancaster County, PA-based energy company that was forced to abruptly shut down, will take the helm at a new division of Shipley Energy, according to Nexstar Broadcasting. …

AmeriGas Elects Hermance to Board of Directors

June 19, 2018

Frank S. Hermance has been elected to the Board of Directors of AmeriGas Propane, Inc., effective June 15. Hermance was Chairman and CEO of AMETEK, Inc. and retired in 2017. He also previously held the …

Superior Energy Systems VP Gets NPGA Safety Award

June 14, 2018

Mike Walters, VP of safety and training, at Superior Energy Systems in Cleveland, OH, has been awarded the National Propane Gas Association’s (NPGA) coveted Individual Safety Award. He received the award June 4 at the NPGA …

Kevin Rooney 1949-2018

June 11, 2018

June 11, 2018--Kevin Rooney, long time face of the heating oil industry on Long Island, died Saturday at age 68 from complications related to pancreatic cancer. Rooney was CEO of the Oil Heat Institute of Long Island for …