Spectra Energy Looks to Expand Natural Gas Pipeline

July 17, 2014

Texas-based Spectra Energy Partners revealed plans to expand existing natural gas pipelines serving the New England market to meet increased demand in the region. The plan calls for the Algonquin Gas Transmission and Maritimes & Northeast …

AMERIgreen Meets at Citi Field

July 8, 2014

AMERIgreen Energy hosted local oil heat distributors at their "Spring Training" event, Thursday, June 26th at Citi Field, home of Major League Baseball's New York Mets. Meant to increase awareness of the advantages of adopting Bioheat fuel--both …

NORA kicks-off new era in R&D

June 9, 2014

Brookhaven National Laboratories, long a place of research and innovation, was the perfect location for the National Oilheat Research Alliance to kick-off a new era of R&D. NORA held its first R&D conference/workshop since Congressional …

New Jersey Heating Oil Sulfur Reduction – July 1, 2014

May 8, 2014

New Jersey Heating Oil Sulfur Reduction - July 1, 2014 TRENTON, NJ - FMA members are reminded that the maximum allowable sulfur standard for heating oil sold in New Jersey is being reduced to 500ppm effective …

HVAC Licensing Grandfathering Period: Only Four Months Left!

NEWARK, NJ - There are only four months left for individuals wishing to obtain a grandfathered HVAC license since the window closes August 31, 2014. To be eligible for a grandfathered HVAC license, an individual must …

One day, Five-Step Business plan for HVAC Contractors

March 31, 2014

You don't have to write a book or shut down the office for a week to create an effective strategic plan. In fact, you can create a strategic plan in just one day. It doesn't …

In NJ?…get your HVAC license now!

Let's get right to the point. If you design, install, maintain or service any HVAC system in anywere in New Jersey you will need a New Jersey master HVAC contractor license! This is an individual …

What should I do differently

As businesses and industries mature, several different types of leaders and decision-makers emerge. Some take on the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” attitude, while others live by the mantra that “good isn’t good …

NORA Moving Forward

As the best winter in years draws to a close, I am particularly happy that the National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA) will once again be a full partner with the oilheating industry and its customers. …

Natural Gas Supply Into The Northeast Is Limited

On six occasions since the first of this year, and for a total of sixteen days, Con Edison and National Grid have required their Interruptible Customers to stop burning natural gas as temperatures dropped below …