The Faster the Water Flows, the More BTUs

March 6, 2020

Tell me if you have ever heard someone say something like this: I think the room is under-heating because the water is moving too fast through the baseboard. If I use a smaller pump or …

Managing your Marketing for Success in 2020

At a recent association meeting, I found myself engaged in a conversation with a dealer about the best ways to acquire new customers after the heating—or should I say, after the “no-heating”—season. We talked at …

Back to basics

The heating oil industry isn’t the same as it was a generation ago. The heating oil industry is the same as it was a generation ago. This simple, yet confusing, dichotomy is at the heart …

Greenhouse gas reductions update

Michael Trunzo is the Director of Government Affairs at Shenker Russo & Clark LLP. The National Biodiesel Board has contracted SRC to coordinate public policy activities in the Northeast. Additionally, Michael represents the New York …

Carrier Taps Nelson to head HVAC globally

March 5, 2020

Carrier has appointed Chris Nelson as President of its global HVAC products and services business. This is a new appointment as Carrier separates from United Technologies in the second quarter of 2020. Nelson has more …

METUS gains Home Builders innovation award for SLZ-KF

March 3, 2020

Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US (METUS) was awarded a National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) 2019 Global Innovation Award for its SLZ-KF Four-Way Ceiling Cassette model in the internal/external products category. The four SLZ-KF models deliver …

Philadelphia HVAC experts suggest early maintenance

As we enter March, Joseph Giannone Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning of Philadelphia suggests homeowners stay a step ahead of spring with a home HVAC and indoor air quality (IAQ) checklist.  “Taking care of your …

OESP Issues Call for Award Nominations

February 25, 2020

Oil and Energy Service Professionals (OESP) has issued a call for nominations for the following 2020 Industry Awards: Hugh McKee Award; Service Manager Award; Lou Ehrich Award; Manufacturer of the Year Award …

Berks-Schuylkill Oil Heat Assn Donates $5K to Salvation Army

The Berks-Schuylkill Oil Heat Association (BSOHA) in Pennsylvania donated a total of $5,220 to the Berks and Schuylkill County Salvation Army on Feb. 20. Since 2006, BSOHA’s annual charitable donations have totaled $70,000 to help …

Nominations Open for 2020 Rigid Experience

February 24, 2020

The 2020 Rigid Experience contest is open for nominations. The deadline is April 24. The contest will award eight winners with an all-expense paid, multi-day trip to Rigid’s Elyria, OH headquarters in late July. New …