OESP’s Oil Heat Cares reschedules bocce ball fundraiser

Written on: October 8, 2024 by ICM

The Westchester Chapter of Oil & Energy Service Professionals (OESP) has rescheduled its bocce ball fundraiser to Saturday, November 2. The event will benefit Oil Heat Cares, the OESP not-for-profit foundation that assists needy persons and organizations with the replacement of their oil heating appliances.

The event will begin at noon EDT at the home of Bob Daros, 725 Titicus Road, North Salem, NY. In the event of rain, the tournament will be moved to Sunday, September 29.

A minimum donation of $50 is required to attend the event, and 100% of contributions will go toward Oil Heat Cares. (Additional donations are welcome.) Food will be provided by Heritage Fuel & Propane and Guaranteed Chimney; please bring your own drinks as well as a lawn chair. 
Pre-registration and pre-payment are required in order to attend. If you previously purchased tickets for the original September event (which was postponed due to weather), they will automatically transfer to the new date. To purchase tickets, visit visitoesp.org