Registration Now Open for Women In Energy & PPA Golf Outing

Written on: July 15, 2024 by ICM

Women in Energy and Pennsylvania Petroleum Association (PPA) will host its 3rd annual golf outing on Tuesday, October 15, at the Conestoga Country Club, Lancaster, PA.  

Proceeds from this tournament have helped both groups achieve important goals. PPA  made a major contribution to their newly established scholarship fund, the Robert V. Boltz Scholarship Foundation. The foundation provides technical students in need with an opportunity for higher education within the HVAC and energy fields. Women in Energy will be using their funds towards their ongoing Mentorship Program and other educational programs.

Golf Schedule:

  • 10:00am Registration Opens
  • 10:30am Instructional Session
  • 11:00am Lunch
  • 12:00pm Shotgun Start
  • 5:00pm Reception follows at Tellus360 (off site)

To register and explore sponsorship opportunities, visit