Recently, a contractor asked me what the correct way to size a replacement steam boiler was; he said he had heard conflicting ideas from different people within the industry. The proper way to size a replacement steam boiler is to go around and add up all of the radiation in the house. Back in the day, the expression used to indicate a radiator’s heating capacity was referred to as a “square foot of steam,” that came from the original flat steel radiators used back in the mid 1800s. They would measure how many actual square feet of surface area the panel radiator had to determine its heating capacity. One square foot of surface area from the radiator would put out 240 British Thermal Units (BTUs) when the air temperature around the radiator was 70°F and the steam temperature inside the radiator was 215°F. If a radiator had 20 square feet of surface area, it could emit 4,800 BTUs an hour. Also important to note, 1psig steam has a temperature rating of 216°F, so every radiator that has been installed in a steam system can offset the heat loss of that room with less than 1psig steam pressure at the radiator. If you try to solve a heating problem by raising the steam pressure, you’ll overheat the rooms and consume more fuel in the process. Almost from the beginning of installing residential steam heating systems, homeowners complained about the size and look of those flat, steel-plated radiators and so the industry responded. Radiator manufacturers started making tubular style radiators that took up less space and aesthetically were more pleasing to the homeowners. They were able to provide increased output in a smaller footprint by adding surface area to the tubes. This created a new term in the radiator industry: EDR which stands for Equivalent Direct Radiation. Because these radiators were not shaped like a panel radiator, it was challenging at the beginning to establish a square foot rating but eventually they figured it out and the term a Square Foot of EDR was born.
Back to sizing the replacement boiler — there are sizing capacity charts provided by various boiler manufacturers in the industry that will list a radiator’s heating capacity in Square Foot of EDR based upon the height of the radiator, the number of columns per section and the number of sections. Dan Holohan offers an excellent book that contains virtually every piece of radiation ever manufactured titled EDR…Every Darn Radiator. If you are in the business of replacing steam boilers, you should have this book.  When you are asked to size a replacement steam boiler, the last thing you should be concerned with is the heat loss of the house. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. If you were replacing a hot water boiler, you would calculate the current heat loss and then select the correct boiler. In a hot water system, you are using a liquid to transport the heat from the boiler out to the radiation and this liquid is going to stay a liquid…cooler on its way back but still a liquid. However, with steam it is different. Steam is a gas that carries the heat from the boiler out to the radiators where it is needed. If you don’t produce enough gas (steam), the heat won’t reach all the radiators and you end up with cold rooms and unhappy customers. You have to produce enough steam to fill the piping and all the radiators. This is because steam wants to turn back into water as quickly as it can. When steam enters cold pipes and radiators, the cold metal robs the steam of its latent heat. With no more latent heat the steam turns back to a liquid (condensate). The idea is to have a boiler produce enough steam to overcome the system’s ability to condense it.
Steam is made up of two types of BTUs. The first type is called sensible heat. This is the amount of heat required to bring water to its boiling point. It can be “sensed” by a thermometer. At every pressure, there is a corresponding requirement of sensible heat to boil water (the higher the pressure, the greater the amount required of sensible heat).The second type of heat is known as latent heat (the heat of evaporation). This is the amount of energy required to take the boiling water and change it into steam. A thermometer can’t sense this energy, although it is very real. In fact, in a low pressure system (0-15psig), the amount of latent heat is usually five times as much as the sensible heat per pound of steam. Steam can hold a tremendous amount of energy while requiring no assistance to travel throughout the system.
When steam is manufactured in the boiler, it races out of the boiler into the piping system and towards the radiators. As it does, it encounters the cold pipes that cause the steam to condense back into water. During this condensing process, the steam gives back the latent heat it received in the boiler. In a steam heating system, this is what heats the rooms.  It is not high pressure that heats the house, so there is no sense in turning up the pressuretrol. In fact, the lower the pressure, the greater the quantity of latent heat per pound of steam.
The problem arises when the boiler can’t produce enough steam to offset the system’s ability to condense it. The steam condenses in the near-boiler piping, supply mains and maybe in some of the closer radiators. The thermostat never lets the burner shut off. No matter how high you turn the pressure up, you can’t produce enough steam. One symptom I have consistently noticed is that the pressure gauge never registers any pressure when the boiler is undersized or underfired. The boiler can’t build any pressure because as soon as any steam is produced, the system condenses it.
When you install a replacement steam boiler, it is important that it be sized to the connected load. Once you have picked the correct size and have installed it according to the manufacturer’s specifications, make sure you also fire the burner to the connected load. If you don’t, the results can be the same as an undersized boiler.
You have to realize that just because the boiler manufacturer says it’s a steam boiler and supplies all the necessary trim, it doesn’t make steam by magic. You have to input enough energy so that the boiler can offset the connected load’s condensing ability. That means when the boiler is rated to a certain gallons per hour (GPH), you have to use that firing rate. If you don’t the boiler won’t be able to produce enough steam. The steam won’t be able to reach the furthest radiators because it’s condensing in the pipes.
If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me at, call me at (800) 423-7187 or follow me on Twitter at @Ask_Gcarey.

Primary/Secondary pumping…It seems to have become the “catch-phrase” of the hydronics industry over the last few years and rightly so. Its applications are virtually endless and the benefits of this piping technique have solved many problems over the years. But where did this piping technique come from and WHY is it so useful?
An engineer from Bell & Gossett named Gil Carlson originally developed this piping technique. This is the same Gil Carlson who promoted the concept of “pumping away” from the point of no pressure change (placing the system circulators on the supply); he developed circuit setters to balance multiple circuits and developed a famous engineering tool known as the B&G “System Syzer”. He was instrumental in developing and promoting engineering principals and piping techniques as the world of hydronic heating developed.
As the story goes, Gil was called out to the field to troubleshoot a recently installed commercial hydronic system that was not working. It was a large garden-style apartment complex. The system was designed to operate as a “mono-flo” heating system. And as you know, a “mono-flo” system relies on one primary circulator to pump hot water around the heating main. Piped off this main are risers that feed the various pieces of radiation. Now remember this is not a two-pipe system where there is a separate supply and return main. With a “mono-flo” system, there is only ONE main and each riser’s supply and return pipe is connected to this single main. When the water is circulated around this main, what is going to cause some of the water to “jump off” and flow into the radiation circuit? That is where the mono-flo fittings come into play. From the outside, a mono-flo fitting looks like an ordinary tee, but on the inside there is a cone-shaped fitting that reduces the opening of the tee. This reduction causes pressure drop as the water flows along the primary main. And it is this pressure drop that causes a portion of the water to move off the main and into the radiation circuit. On the problem job that Gil was called out to troubleshoot, the water was flowing nice and hot along the main, but was NOT flowing up into the radiation circuits. After some investigating, he found out that two different engineering firms were involved in the system design. One was responsible for the boiler room and primary main piping. The other firm was responsible for the distribution piping throughout the buildings.
What happened was the primary main piping was significantly undersized and the distribution and radiation piping was oversized. When you put these two mistakes together in a large mono-flo system, the result is NO-HEAT throughout the complex! After much arguing and “finger-pointing”, Gil decided to try an idea. His thought was to install a small, in-line booster pump on the supply riser of each building. His idea was to turn on the booster pumps every time the main circulator was running. The booster pumps would be able to overcome the pressure drop of their own risers and radiation circuits, thus establishing the needed flow to heat the buildings. One problem that he had to contend with was the problem of installing all these smaller booster pumps in series with the larger primary pump. To overcome this problem, he came up with the idea of installing a piece of piping that was connected from the supply to return riser. The pipe, which he referred to as the “common pipe”, was common to both the riser circuit piping and the primary main piping. When all was said and done, the problems went away, the buildings heated as designed and a new and innovative method of pumping multiple circulators was born. By the way, this all took place back in the early 1950s!
The Simplicity of Primary/Secondary

Primary/Secondary Piping–Click to Enlarge

When two piping circuits are connected, flow in one circuit will cause flow to occur in the other circuit based upon the pressure drop in the piping common to both circuits. This describes exactly how a mono-flo system is supposed to operate. Flow in the primary main will cause some flow to occur in the mono-flo circuit due to the pressure drop of the mono-flo fittings in the piping common to both circuits. What Gil discovered some 50 years ago, was if the pressure drop in the piping common to both circuits was eliminated, flow in one circuit will not necessarily cause flow to occur in the other circuit.
That is the basis for Primary/Secondary Pumping; the pressure drop in the common pipe has to be virtually eliminated. By keeping the pressure drop very low, you have hydraulically isolated one loop from the other. Therefore, each loop’s circulator can operate as if the other circulator does not exist. The benefit of this is you can have different size circulators co-exist without pumping problems. You can isolate flow through the off circuits by simply turning off that particular circuit’s pump. You can prevent heat from traveling into off circuits (boilers, radiation zones, etc…). The spacing of the supply and return tees for each secondary circuit is critical. By keeping the tees close together (maximum 3-4 pipe diameters apart), the pressure drop between the tees is negligible.
Therefore, as the primary pump is circulating water along the main, the water will not flow through the secondary circuit if its circulator is off. You have successfully isolated one circuit from the other.
Law of the TEE
Gil use to say that to fully understand primary/secondary pumping, you had to understand the concept of “the law of the tee”. What he was referring to is what happens in the common piping. The flow rate and the direction of the flow rate that occurs in the common pipe needs to be discussed. Because we have hydraulically isolated one circuit from the other, we can have different flow rates occurring in each circuit. These different flow rates will meet in the common piping. What occurs there can be very interesting. The flow in the primary piping can be greater than the flow in the secondary circuit, the flow rates can be equal and the secondary flow rate may be greater than the primary. What is the significance of all this? Well, with different flow rates coming together in this “common pipe”, mixing of water temperatures is going to occur. And depending upon the flow rates of the primary circuit versus the secondary flow rate, you can mix down supply water temperatures that are going to the secondary circuit. You can elevate the return water’s temperature going back to the primary main. The possibilities are endless and that is one of the reasons why a system designed with primary/secondary pumping can achieve what other more traditional systems can not.
Fast forward to today’s modern hydronic heating systems. Multiple boilers, multiple water temperatures, different types of heating terminal units in the same heating system (fan coils, baseboard, panel radiators and radiant heating). All of these applications can and do incorporate some form of primary/secondary pumping. To keep up with these modern systems, a few manufacturers have introduced a modern primary/secondary arrangement called a “Low loss Header”. This new device simplifies the P/S piping circuit and also eliminates a few other necessary components. They provide air separation, dirt collection and most importantly hydraulic separation from the boiler circuit to the distribution circuit. ICM
If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me at or call me at FIA. 1-800-423-7187 or follow me on Twitter at @Ask_Gcarey

During this past spring season, we have presented several seminars. Of course, a lot of questions are asked during these classes. The following is a sample of some of those questions, in no specific order.
Q: Why should I offer my customers who have hot water boilers a weather responsive control?
A: Customers who have hot water heating systems have an opportunity to reduce their fuel consumption by adding an outdoor reset control to their boiler system. When a heating system is designed and installed, it has to be sized for the specific design conditions that occur in that particular area of the country. Up here in the Northeast, outdoor design temperatures can be anywhere from 10°F to as low as -20°F, but regardless of what temperature you use to size everything, these conditions occur for only 2-3% of the total heating season. For the rest of the season, the boiler and radiation is, in effect, oversized for the building. Systems that operate only on the boiler’s aquastat are subject to short cycling and noticeable temperature swings in the living environment. By installing an outdoor reset control, the water temperature leaving the boiler will change as the load on the building changes. The warmer it is outside, the lower the water temperature that will be needed for the radiation to operate. This will reduce any noticeable temperature swings and reduce boiler short cycling. The end result is a heating system that is more comfortable while consuming less fuel.
Why do the tees in a primary/secondary
system need to be located so close together?
When describing primary/secondary systems, this question comes up often. Why so close and what happens if you don’t install them close together. The tees need to be close together so that the operation of the primary circulator will not cause flow in the secondary circuit, and vice versa. You are trying to hydraulically isolate one circuit from the other. If the space between the tees becomes excessive, the pressure drop between the tees increases. This will cause some flow/heat to move into the secondary circuit from the primary loop, regardless of whether the secondary circuit wanted the heat or not. In effect, you have lost control of the system. You will experience overheated zones and comfort complaints.
When I am replacing an old steam boiler with a new one, why do I need to count all the radiation in the house?
Why can’t I do a heat loss on the house and size my boiler based on this information? The reason the radiation load needs to be calculated—unlike a hot water installation, where water fills the entire system—is that in a steam system, air occupies all the piping and radiation above the boiler water line. Also, water is the heating medium in a hot water system. The boiler heats the water, which then travels throughout the system, Although it takes a temperature drop, it never changes state; it leaves as water and comes back as water (just a little cooler). In a steam system, we have water that is heated in the boiler to a point where it changes into its gaseous state (steam). Then the steam leaves the boiler and enters the piping system where it encounters cooler surfaces (steel pipes and cast-iron radiators). The cooler temperatures cause the steam to condense back to water.
When this happens, the energy that was required to change the water into steam is released. If your new boiler can’t produce enough steam to fill ALL the radiators, then some rooms are going to remain cold. Using the heat loss method doesn’t help, because the steam doesn’t know anything about heat losses. All it knows is cold metal, so your job is to make sure the new boiler can overcome the “condensing action” of all the pipes and radiators.
Why can’t I pipe the new steam boiler the same way as the old boiler that I’m taking out?
Older steam boilers had three important characteristics that helped them produce good dry steam. First of all, the section-width was wide, allowing the steam bubbles to rise to the water surface calmly. Once at the surface of the water, the steam chest was cavernous, allowing the water and steam to separate efficiently. Lastly, the exit hole diameter was designed to limit the steam’s exit velocity to 15 FPS. This ensured that only dry steam left the boiler and entered the system piping. Because of these factors, the installers could attach the boiler to the system piping with some “interesting” methods. The problem with attempting that today is the fact that a modern steam boiler is lacking in all those areas. The section width has become narrower, causing a “frothy-like” mixture of steam and water to occur as the steam bubbles try to pass through the water. Also, the steam chamber is virtually non-existent in the new boilers. Finally, size of these exit holes is smaller and there are fewer of them. This INCREASES the steam’s velocity as it leaves the boiler, which increases the chances of pulling water up out of the boiler with the steam. With modern steam boilers, it becomes very important to pipe the new boiler according to the manufacturer’s installation instructions. The near-boiler piping has taken on the responsibility of producing dry steam. If you ignore the instructions, there is a good chance you will have problems.
When troubleshooting two-pipe steam systems, why is it OK to use temperature as an indicator when searching for bad radiator traps, but not for the end of main F&T traps?
Radiator traps are also called thermostatic traps, and as the name implies, temperature affects the operation of the trap. When steam arrives at the radiator, it elevates the temperature around the trap causing it to close. When the steam condenses and turns back to condensate, the temperature cools down, allowing the trap to re-open. So it stands to reason that temperature can be an indicator of a good or bad radiator trap. However, F&T traps (float and thermostatic) operate a bit differently. There IS a thermostatic element in there, but it only vents air through the trap. Any condensate that forms is drained off through a float and seat mechanism. However, the float doesn’t care about temperature, only displacement, which is caused by a volume of condensate. This means, technically, you could measure the steam’s temperature on the inlet side of the trap and measure almost the same temperature of condensate coming out of the trap. Therefore, temperature as an indicator can be very misleading! When troubleshooting F&T traps, a better solution is to see what is discharging from the trap. Through a combination of some piping changes and valves and nipples, you can install EVERY F&T trap with its own test station. The added cost of a few nipples and a valve is offset by the ability to troubleshoot the trap later.
Why should I install the circulator on the supply side of the boiler piping? I have always installed them on the return and they worked fine!
It is true that most small, residential circulators will work OK when they are installed on the return. It is also true that the system will operate better/more quietly/possibly more efficiently when the circulator is installed on the supply. What’s important is to know what happens when a circulator turns on and how it affects the system’s static pressures. When you locate a circulator on the return, it is “pumping” towards the system’s expansion tank. And the expansion tank’s connection to the system is called the “point of no pressure change.” Therefore, the circulator’s pressure differential cannot change the pressure at the location of the tank.
Of course, the circulator still has to create a pressure differential across itself, but since the discharge pressure can’t change, the pressure on the suction side drops. With small residential circulators, the pressure differential is low, so the static pressure is lowered slightly.
But with larger circulators, the differential can cause the system’s pressure to drop below atmospheric pressure (vacuum) and create all kinds of air/noise/gurgling problems. Why not locate the circulator in a place in the system where it is working for you, instead of against you?
If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me at or call me at FIA. 1-800-423-7187 or follow me on Twitter at @Ask_Gcarey

Following are examples of jobsites I have seen over the past heating season.
Each one was exhibiting some type of problem
due to someone either ignoring the standard installation practices or thinking
the job was located in an area where the “laws of physics” did not apply.
A large apartment complex in the downtown Boston
area was experiencing some very severe overheating
with their steam system. The Management Company
had recently purchased a weather-responsive control
from our company. This control was suppose to measure
the indoor temperature, the outdoor temperature
and then make a decision on how long the burner/boiler
should run to satisfy the building’s heating needs.
I met with the service technicians who were trying to
figure out the problem. We started by going through
the operation of the control. Within a few minutes,
we found one of the problems. One of the components
of these weather-responsive controls is a sensor that
is located near the end of a steam supply main. It is
wired back to the control and its purpose is to sense
when there is temperature in the system. This tells
the control that steam has been distributed throughout
the building. The control will let the boiler run for so
many minutes, then keep it off for so many minutes,
based upon the heating cycle. However, none of this
can happen until the “steam-established” sensor measures
temperature in the system.
In this system, someone installed the sensor on a
return line that had long been disconnected from the
system. That’s why the building was overheating. The
sensor never “sensed” any temperature, so the control
kept telling the boiler to run and run! The boiler was
cycling off its pressure control. The solution was to relocate
the sensor to one of the steam mains.
As we walked through the building, I noticed the
basement apartments, which were on the same grade
as the boiler room, had two-pipe radiators with
s t e a m t r a p s .
The steam system had no condensate return
p u m p s , o n l y gravity returns. Logically, these
radiators should be filled with water all the time
because they are below the water line of the boiler.
Nevertheless, I was told they were working fine.
I asked the maintenance man if he knew anything
about these radiators and he started to smile, then
said, “Follow me.” He took us outside to the courtyard
and pointed to all the holes in the building where pipes
were draining water. Every basement radiator was
piped to the outside where its condensate was dumped!
No wonder they were “working.” Of course, the makeup
water was eating the cast-iron sections for lunch
and the fuel usage had to be excessive, but at least the
basement apartments were warm!

Here’s a good one—and it’s true! A local service
manager contacted me to look at a heating system
his installation department had installed
two years ago. The system consisted of five
zones of baseboard and one indirect water heater. They
installed a good air separator with a diaphragm expansion
tank and pressure-reducing valve on the supply.
They also installed all the circulators on the supply,
“pumping away” from the expansion tank. That is why
he had me at the job. It turns out the homeowner was
threatening to sue the Oil Company because the circulators
were on the supply-side of the system. Huh???
Recently, the homeowner had a family party and a
relative, who happens to be a plumber, looked at the
heating system and proudly exclaimed, “This system
will never work! These circulators have to be installed
on the return so they can pull the water back from the
He explained that these circulators would never be
able to lift the water out of the boiler, which is why
the system will never heat! Mind you, the system has
gone through one heating season and is now entering
its second one. Of course, the house has heated wonderfully.
Nevertheless, the “plumbing relative” convinced
the homeowner that his heating will not work and that
is why he is suing the Oil Company. So here is a little
warning to all you who believe in locating your circulators
on the supply. We all know it is the better way to
install circulators. The system operates more quietly,
with no gurgling or sloshing noises. But, make sure you
tell your customers to keep their relatives away from
their new heating systems!

This last job was interesting…the steam system
had both its main vents and radiator vents on
the first floor spitting water. Naturally, in addition
to the spitting, there was a fair amount
of water hammer. I met one of the service technicians
at the job and he walked me around the building.
The system was a one-pipe steam system with a gravity wet-return.
One of the things I noticed was, at the end of each main
and at the base of each riser, a float and
thermostatic trap was installed. The outlet of each trap then
drained into the wet-return that ran on the floor
around the basement and into the Hartford Loop. We
walked over to the boiler and checked out the settings
on the pressuretrol. It was set for five pounds and the
differential was set for two pounds. This meant the
system’s pressure operated between three and five psi.
I was starting to see the cause of the problem. We then
measured the distance between the outlets of the traps
and the water line of the boiler. There was only three
feet of vertical distance between them. When you have
steam traps in a system, remember that one of the
functions of the trap is to prevent the steam from getting
past the trap and into the return lines. The traps
on this job were working fine. Unfortunately, in this
situation, it was the cause of the problem. This was a
one-pipe system with gravity returns. There were no
condensate or boiler feed pumps, so there was no need
for the traps. Why someone bothered to install them is
another story.
Without any steam pressure in the return, the only
help the returning condensate had to overcome the
pressure in the boiler was its static pressure. For every
pound of pressure in the boiler, the water would have
to stack up 30″. In this system, the boiler was running
between three and five pounds. Therefore, the water
would have to stack up 90″ to 150″ (7′ to 12′) to enter
the boiler.
This explains why the vents were spitting water. As
the boiler was firing and building steam pressure, the
condensate returning from the system was “stacking”
in the returns, trying to develop enough pressure to
overcome the pressure in the boiler. Eventually, the
condensate backed up high enough to reach the first
floor radiator vents. This situation also explained why
the boiler was flooding. Initially, they thought it was
a defective water feeder, so they replaced it. However,
when the problem persisted, they asked for help. We
concluded that while the condensate was backing up
in the system, trying to overcome the boiler pressure
and was not able to return to the boiler. This obviously
affected the water level, causing the automatic feeder
to add make-up water into the boiler. Once the system
satisfied and shut the boiler off, the leftover steam
condensed in the boiler, allowing all the water out in
the system to drain back. This raised the water level
to the point of flooding the boiler.
The quick solution to this system’s problem was to
replace the pressuretrol with a vaporstat. The vaporstat
allowed us to set the maximum pressure at 14
ounces. By keeping the pressure low in the boiler, the
condensate would not have to stack any higher than
28-30″, which was still below the F&T traps. We also
added extra main vents near the end of each main to
improve the venting capacity. This helped prevent the
burner from short cycling due to the lower pressure

If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me at or call me at FIA. 1-800-423-7187 or
follow me on Twitter at @Ask_Gcarey

1) High pressure steam moves faster
than low pressure steam.

This is a very common misconception in the industry…if you crank up the pressure in the boiler, the steam will move faster because it is under higher pressure. NOT TRUE! High pressure steam is hotter than low pressure but it does not move faster. If you were to look at a “properties of steam” chart, there are several interesting “tidbits” that appear. Things like the temperature of the steam at a corresponding pressure, the amount of sensible and latent BTUs that is contained in the steam at that specific pressure. It also lists the volume of one pound of steam in cubic feet. When steam is at 0 psig, its temperature is 212°F, the amount of sensible BTUs is 180 per lb. and the latent heat is 970 BTUs per lb. (Latent heat is the amount of energy, expressed as BTUs, that is added to the boiling water (212°F) to change its state to a vapor.) The volume of steam at 0 is 27 cubic feet. The temperature of steam at 10 psig is 240°F; the sensible BTUs increase to 208 but the latent BTUs drop to 952! The volume at 10 psi is only 16 cubic feet!
To calculate the velocity (how fast the steam is moving), there is a simple formula used in the industry. It is based upon a couple of factors—the BTU/H expressed as lbs. per hr. of condensate, the pipe size and the cubic volume of the steam. If I had a 100,000 BTU/H boiler and it was making steam at 0 psig and the steam main was 2″ its velocity would be 33 feet per second, or approximately 22 mph. If I cranked up the pressuretrol to 10 psig, the steam’s new velocity would only be 20 feet per second or approximately 13 mph! Don’t get confused into thinking higher pressure steam is going to speed up the delivery of heat to the building!

2) A circulator lifts the water up from the basement to the highest piece
of radiation.

As a manufacturer’s representative of circulators, we often get the call from someone in the field asking for a circulator with a high head on it. When asked why they need this “high head,” the answer always comes back, “…the circulator is in the basement of a three story apartment building. How will I get the heat from the boiler up to the baseboard on the third floor units?” Again, this is another common misunderstanding; the circulator’s only job in a CLOSED LOOP hydronic system is to move heated water from the boiler, out to the terminal units where the water is cooled and then back to the boiler to be re-heated. The circulator has to be able move the appropriate amount of water expressed in GPM (gallons per minute) through the piping network. Now, as the water moves through the piping, it “rubs” against the pipe walls causing frictional resistance. How much resistance is a function of the pipe size and the flow rate. The answer is VERY important for proper delivery of heat out to the space, BUT the answer has NOTHING to do with how tall the building is, only the desired flow rate, the pipe sizes and the total length of pipe in the system. Whether the building is 10′, 30′ or 100′ high, the circulator is NOT responsible for pumping the water “all the way up there.” The PRV (pressure reducing valve) is the component that is responsible for making sure the entire system is filled and pressurized. Establish what the distance is from the mechanical room to the highest pipe or radiation in feet. Divide that number by 2.31′ to establish the number in psi (pounds per square inch) and then add 4 psi to that number. This ensures good positive pressure at the highest point in the system.

3) Water can move too fast
through baseboard.

I have had conversations with contractors who were convinced the baseboard was “under-performing” because the water was flowing too fast. I guess you could reason that with the water moving so fast, it doesn’t have enough time while inside the baseboard to “give up” its heat. Fortunately, BTUs aren’t that smart! So how does hot water flowing through radiation give off its BTUs? There are three methods that govern heat transfer: thermal radiant, conduction and convection.Without getting too deep, the mode of heat transfer that we want to focus on with a baseboard system is convection. Most are aware of the convective nature of the air surrounding a baseboard element. The hotter, lighter air wants to rise and float into the room while the colder, heavier air wants to drop to the floor and move along towards the baseboard to replace the hotter air that has just floated up. In the process, the hotter air gives up its BTUs to the cooler surroundings. But before this even takes place, there is another convective occurrence that must take place—and that is the hot water (fluid) flowing through the tubing has to give off its heat to the tubing wall. Before the baseboard can emit heat into the space, the heated stream of water must transfer its heat to the baseboard’s inner wall by convection.
For this convection to occur, there are three factors to consider: 1) surface contact area; 2) temperature difference between the water and the inside wall of the tubing; 3) the convection coefficient which is calculated based upon the properties of the fluid, the surface area’s shape and the velocity of the fluid. I think if you use your mind’s eye, you can visualize the following: as the stream of water flows through the baseboard; the outer edge of this stream is in direct contact with the tube’s inner wall. This “rubbing” against the wall creates drag, which means the water that is touching the inner wall of the tubing is moving slower than the “core” or inner stream. Because of this, the temperature of this outer layer of water becomes cooler than the inner stream. This drop in temperature impacts the rate of heat transfer—it slows it down. Remember, one of the factors that affect convection is temperature difference! In fact, a good visual is to think of this outer layer as an insulator that impacts the rate of heat transfer from the hotter inner stream of water to the tubing’s inner wall. This is especially true when the speed of the water approaches laminar flow instead of turbulent flow. So in effect, the faster the water flows through the tubing, the thinner the outer boundary layer or insulator becomes, thus increasing the rate of heat transfer from the hotter inner “core” water to the tubing’s inner wall. You can confirm this by taking a look at any baseboard manufacturer’s literature and check out their capacity charts. They typically will publish their BTU output per linear foot based upon two flow rates: 1 gpm and 4 gpm. The BTU output is ALWAYS higher in the 4 gpm column.

If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me at or call me at FIA. 1-800-423-7187.

Over the past few years there has been a tremendous amount of Mod/Con boilers installed all over “Hydronics Alley.” These boilers operate with natural or propane gas as their fuel source. They are referred to as high efficiency boilers because they have efficiency ratings in the 90s…some as high as 95%. To attain such high efficiency numbers, they intentionally condense some of the flue products that are formed as the result of combustion. Normally we would make sure that the boiler NEVER condensed its flue products because if allowed to, the condensate would rot out the boiler and vent piping. 

When combustion occurs, energy in the form of heat is transferred through a heat exchanger (pinned cast-iron sections, copper-finned tubes, cast-aluminum and stainless steel) to flowing water which is on the other side of the flame. When the flame is produced, combustion gases are formed. These gases contain water in the form of vapor. Generally speaking, we want these vapor gases to vent out of the boiler and up into the venting/chimney system and out to the atmosphere. Mod/Con boilers (modulating and condensing) are designed to allow the flue gases to condense right inside the heat exchanger. They even provide a condensate drain to allow the condensate to escape from the heat exchanger and drip through a neutralization kit into a drain or condensate pump. 

The benefit of condensing these combustion gases comes from the fact that they contain heat or energy which we normally lose up the chimney. Just as in a steam system, when the water in the form of vapor (combustion gases) condenses, it gives off a lot of latent heat. How much? Well, for every pound of water vapor that condenses back to liquid, 1000 BTUs of latent heat are released. The heat exchanger “catches” this heat and transfers it over to the system water. And this is how these Mod/Con boilers achieve their higher efficiency ratings. More of the unit of fuel goes into heating the system water rather than up the flue pipe.
So how are these flue gases condensed? It is achieved in the exact opposite method of how we prevent these same gases from condensing in a NON-condensing boiler. Condensing occurs naturally…when the combustion vapors cool below their dewpoint, they will condense back to liquid.Water temperature has the greatest impact on whether the flue gases in a boiler will condense or not. And it’s all related to the dewpoint of the combustion gases. Oilfired systems want to keep the water above 140°F to prevent the gases from condensing, while gas systems generally want to be above 130°F to prevent condensing.

With a Mod/Con boiler, the water temperature in the return needs to be 130°F or below for its flue gases to condense. With return water in that temperature range, the flue gases will condense and the boiler will be operating at or near its published efficiency rating. Whenever the return water climbs above 130°F, which is higher than the dewpoint of the combustion vapors, those gases will not condense in the heat exchanger.
So the question comes up often, “Can I use a high efficiency modulating and condensing boiler in a system that incorporates traditional high temperature baseboard?” Some people in the industry say, “No, you can’t! The water needs to be hot enough to satisfy the baseboard’s requirements, which are too hot to allow any condensing of the flue gases!” And if you aren’t condensing the flue gases, why use a condensing boiler? 
A large portion of these Mod/Con boilers are sold in retrofit applications for both residential and commercial buildings. The boilers usually are cast-iron oil fired or atmospheric vented gas boilers and they are serving high temperature terminal units such as copper baseboard or cast iron radiators. 

When these systems were first installed, the radiation was sized so that on a design cold day, with water circulating through the radiation at 180°F, the room temperature could be maintained at 70°F. Because of those design conditions, that is where the comments are made about compatibility issues between Mod/Con boilers and baseboard radiation. But how often during the heating season do we actually encounter design conditions? Up here in the Northeast, design conditions make up about 3-5% of the heating—the rest of the year, the conditions are somewhere less than design. In fact, through Bin Data collected by the National Weather Bureau, 80% of the heating season requires 50% or less of the BTUs needed for design conditions. In effect, the heating system, including the boiler and the installed radiation, is OVERSIZED for most of the heating season.

Reset to the rescue

Outdoor Reset says, “Let’s provide the right water temperature to the radiation based upon the load that the house or building is currently experiencing.” And what has the greatest impact on a building’s load? The outdoor temperature! So by simply incorporating the outdoor reset function that comes with the Mod/Con boiler’s operating control, the boiler can start delivering the appropriate water temperature needed at the given set of outdoor conditions. 

And as you look into design conditions, reset curves and Bin Data, you see that for a large majority of the heating season, the boiler can lower the water temperature so the return temperatures coming back to the boiler are below combustion gas dewpoint levels. The boiler flue gases are now condensing; the boiler is operating at or near its rated efficiencies and the apartment building or house is comfortable. When designing around 180°F water, 70°F indoors and a design outdoor temperature of between 0 and 10°F, you will find that until it gets down to 25°F or colder, the reset curve will calculate a water temperature that provides return temperatures down below the dewpoint of the flue gases, ensuring the boiler is operating in a condensing mode. 

Another benefit provided by this style of boiler is, in addition to the condensing feature, the burner can also modulate. This means as the load changes, the boiler will only consume the necessary fuel to meet that load. Unlike traditional on/off boilers where, if they are firing, they are consuming 100% capacity, the modulating boiler can fire down to as low as 20% of its capacity and then modulate all the way up to 100%.   

  In the perfect scenario, when using a Mod/Con boiler, the radiation chosen should be able to provide all the BTUs needed with low temperature water. For that to occur, all of the exisiting homes and commercial buildings would have to change and/or upgrade their exisiting radiation. In some rare instances, that actually does happen…but for the majority of the time, it doesn’t. But to paint with a broad brush and say that you can’t use Mod/Con boilers is inaccurate. Will the boiler condense all the time? No, but it will during the majority of the heating season. And it will also modulate its firing rate to match the load the building is experiencing. All of these features add up to reduced fuel consumption and more comfortable heating systems.

If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me at or call me at FIA. 1-800-423-7187.

In a hot water heating system, to provide heat, we need to move or circulate heated water from the boiler out to the radiation. Years ago, before circulators, the pipefitters used gravity to distribute this heat out to the radiators. By using oversized pipes, which offered very little resistance, the buoyancy of hotter, lighter water and some fancy piping techniques, the old timers successfully circulated water around the heating system. Once circulators came on the scene, gravity installations were discontinued almost immediately.
Because the electric motor and impeller created the motive force to circulate the water, it wasn’t necessary to use the oversized pipes. You see, whether you are talking about an old gravity system or a modern hot water system, the ONLY way to get the heat out of the boiler and into the radiation is by circulation.
And what causes circulation? Years ago, they used the difference in the weight of hot versus cold water. Now this certainly doesn’t create a large motive force—hence the oversized pipes, which created very little resistance or pressure drop. Today, we use circulators to create this motive force.
But why does the water need help in moving at all? Why can’t it just flow out to the radiation?
FRICTION! As the water flows through the pipes and the radiation, it “rubs” along the interior surface of these items, and this “rubbing”action creates friction or resistance. So energy is “added” to the water each time it passes through the circulator’s volute.
A common term in the industry is “feet of head.” It is used to describe how many feet of head energy are added to the water by the circulator. The answer, of course, depends upon the specific flow requirements needed in that particular system and what the frictional resistance is at that flow rate.
Another interesting aspect that occurs is the fact that all of the head energy added to the water at the circulator is consumed by the system. This means there is no “leftover” head energy. The circulator will strive to move as much water (expressed as gallons per minute or GPM) as it can, limited only by the amount of head energy added to the water by the electric motor and impeller. And whatever that amount is, the frictional resistance offered by the system will consume all of it.
I received a phone call from a very frustrated contractor who had just installed new equipment in a boiler room upgrade. The upgrade included a new, high efficiency boiler, new indirect water heater and circulator and also a new system distribution circulator that provided heat for the entire building. His source of frustration was coming from the fact that the DHW circulator could not operate anytime the main system circulator was running. And the main system pump was designed to operate 24-7 once the outdoor temperature dropped below 65°F. He had the potential of having a building full of warm but smelly tenants…Not good! He was thinking the bigger main circulator was “too strong” for the smaller DHW circulator, which he thought kept that circuit’s check valve back seated because of the larger pressure differential developed by the main circulator.
I appreciated where he was coming from—high head circulator pumping right next to a smaller “headed” pump; but you have to remember that as the water flows throughout the system and is “rubbing” along the walls, the head energy is dissipating…so much so that by the time it has returned to the suction of the pump, all of the circulator’s pressure differential is gone. That is why you can have several different sized circulators sitting next to each other on a manifold and they can all co-exist without negatively impacting one another. Of course, the manifold needs to be properly sized or even better, oversized to allow this to occur.


There had to be something else going on in the job. We decided that he would revisit the job and check out the rest of the system as it left the mechanical room. He called back the next day and sure enough, he FOUND it! Just on the other side of the mechanical room, which was very small, he found an old three-way pressure differential valve that had failed in the by-pass position (See Figure1).
When he closed the butterfly valve on the by-pass line, the indirect water heater tank temperature immediately started to climb. In essence, he was right from the beginning; the high headed pump WAS affecting the smaller headed DHW pump. With the by-pass wide open, the main system circulator could direct a high percentage of its pressure differential right back into the main return line that was common to both circulators.

Delta P

I was involved with another job where Delta P or pressure differential was creating the problem. In this case, the complaint was unwanted heat in a zone that was off—the thermostat was not calling and the respective zone valve was CLOSED! The job was piped like the drawing in Figure 2. As you can see, the system was zoned with zone valves on the supply header down in the boiler room and the system circulator that served all of the zone valves was on the return line, pumping back towards the boiler. The service technician who had called me tried to describe over the phone how it was piped and what was happening. A top floor unit was overheating so badly that the tenant had the thermostat turned down as low as it would go, had windows partially open and it was still 77-78°F in the unit.


The boiler room piping was basically as drawn in Figure 2. Of course, when we first started, we did not know that the top floor zones were piped with one supply line and two separate returns connected to the main return line in a ceiling somewhere. All of the other units were piped as simple series loops. When we first began looking, the piping in the mechanical room looked like every other multi-zoned hydronic heating system that used zone valves. The circulator was setup to run on constant circulation. When the outdoor temperature dropped below a set temperature, the circulator would turn on. Each individual apartment had a thermostat wired down to its respective zone valve in the basement. Whenever the thermostat called for heat, the zone valve would open, allowing the hot water that was already circulating around the building into the zone of baseboard. So as we were checking out the boiler room piping, we kept asking ourselves how water could be circulating through a zone with its zone valve closed. The obvious answer is it can’t…but at the same time we had a unit upstairs that was severely overheating.
Fortunately, each zone valve had a service valve that would be used when it was necessary to fix or replace the zone valve. We decided to close that valve to see if the overheating stopped or continued. By closing this valve, we were taking the integrity of the zone valve right out of the equation. We waited a while and then checked the supply piping for the overheating zone and sure enough, the line was still cold (ambient temperature)! There was definitely no flow going past the zone valve and up into the apartment.
This made us think there had to be a “cross-connected” pipe somewhere that was feeding the other unit, or somehow, the thermostat wiring to its respective zone valve had to be crossed. This would allow one thermostat to call for heat and the wrong zone would open, allowing hot water to flow through the wrong apartment.
As we were discussing these various scenarios, I kept asking, “How long has this problem existed”?
“About three weeks,” came the answer from the property manager who was receiving the phone calls. And in that time frame, had ANY work been performed on the system? Thermostats replaced? Piping work? The answer was “no” to all the above. I said to the service technician, “Lets get upstairs to the overheating apartment—maybe we will see something there which isn’t visible from here.”
Once inside the apartment, we took the baseboard enclosure off. I wanted to be able to see all of the piping, including the supply and return lines. And once we did, two things “jumped” out at us. First, was there were three pipes coming into or leaving the apartment. Second, we noticed there were two check valves in the piping at either end of the apartment.
If you look at Figure 2 again, you can see that, in fact, there is one supply pipe that splits left and right, feeds both sides of the apartment and they then return individually into the main return line. And that explains why they had installed check valves. To prevent the water that was flowing along the return main from any of the other zones from moving backwards up one of the “off” return lines, through the baseboard and back down the other return line.
What we speculated to be happening was somehow, the integrity of one or more check valves was compromised. Either something became lodged onto the seat or the flapper was deteriorating or somehow leaking by. Regardless of the cause, we suggested that the both check valves in the overheating apartment be replaced with new ones. And once they were, the overheating complaints stopped!  
If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me at or call me at FIA. 1-800-423-7187

With the cost of energy on everybody’s mind, it would be wise to provide your customer with a hot water heating system that operates efficiently. One area in particular that has gone on unnoticed is short cycling, which is an efficiency destroyer. And it can hit in two areas: mechanically and economically.
The mechanical problems will occur because of the rapid on/off cycling of the boiler. All of the various components found on an oil-fired boiler have an expected life cycle. When a boiler is short cycling, the components are seeing all these cycles in a very short time span. This leads to premature control failures, nuisance lock-outs, service calls and frustrated customers. If you want to destroy a brand new boiler in a short period of time and frustrate your customer along the way…short cycle it!
The economical problem is often unknown and certainly under-appreciated. There is an old rule of thumb that states, “A short cycling boiler will operate at least 15% below its rated efficiency when said boiler is not short cycling.” The loss of fuel efficiency can be staggering. That means the wasted fuel consumption is paid for by the unsuspecting homeowner with the new high efficiency boiler.
So if you want to prevent short cycling, what can you do? The first step is to ensure that the boiler is not oversized! When a boiler is too big, it will always produce more energy (BTUs) than the system needs. And by being too big it reaches its high limit very fast, a condition that does not allow the boiler/burner to operate in a “steady state fashion”. And the best way to make sure that a new boiler is not too big is to perform an accurate heat loss on the house. There are several software heat loss programs available that will help you establish the heat loss of any building. By using this information, you can then select the right size boiler for the house instead of using the “looks a lot like” method or the famous “read the label on the old boiler” method.
Unfortunately, as the expression goes, “…no good deed goes unpunished.” A boiler can still short cycle even when it is sized properly. Do you know why? Load and zoning are the reasons. A properly sized boiler is sized for design conditions. This means when it is very cold outside (design outdoor temperatures), the boiler is capable of keeping the occupants at design indoor temperatures. But these design outdoor conditions exist for less than 5% of the total heating season. Which means for the remainder of the heating season, even the properly sized boiler is too big and can possibly short cycle.
One of the many advantages and selling features of hydronic a system is their ability to be zoned very easily. Most homeowners like the idea of being able to control sections of their house, even right down to a room-by-room control. But this, unfortunately, can also lead to short cycling. If one or two small zones are calling and the boiler fires in response, the energy output of the boiler is too great compared to the needs of the smaller zones. In that case, the high limit is reached very rapidly and the boiler shuts off. The zones continue to call and the water temperature drops, the limit control responds and the boiler fires up again. Of course, the high limit is again reached quickly and the boiler turns off. So even though the hydronics industry promotes zoning capabilities, and homeowners enjoy the comfort and control offered by zoning, it can impact a boiler’s potential operating efficiency.
If you were to ask any boiler manufacturer what would be an acceptable firing on-time that would eliminate short cycling and all its downfalls, a minimum of 10 minutes “on -time” would be the answer. So what can we do to achieve this 10 minute firing “on-time”? Here are a couple of ideas:
One would be to improve the controlling operation of the system. And a system it is…for a long time we have allowed the individual zones to operate independently and therefore, randomly. The net result is inconsistent and very uneven loading of the boiler, which often leads to harsh boiler short cycling. Granted the occupants upstairs are still relatively comfortable but at what expense? There are thermostats available on the market today that synchronize with each other (i.e., they talk to each other). By synchronizing, they all call for heat at the same time at the beginning of each new heating cycle. Naturally, how long each one runs for is determined by that particular zone’s needs. The benefit of this is the boiler is seeing a reasonable load/flow rate that it can work with, thus minimizing the short cycling.
Another benefit of these “new thermostats” is they also can request a water temperature back to the boiler control. The control receives these requests from all the various zones and makes a decision based upon the zone with the highest temperature requirement. The other “lower temperature” zones then calculate their own on-time with the higher temperature water to maintain their desired setpoint.
The other option would be to provide some mass to the system so that each time the boiler fires, it would have to raise the temperature of this mass X number of degrees. If the added mass is calculated correctly, the boiler would not short cycle! This added mass is known as a “Buffer Tank.” So how much mass is needed? How big should this Buffer Tank be? It is actually a rather easy number to establish. It is based upon a couple of conditions:
1) the minimum firing on-time of the boiler (usually 10 minutes);
2) BTU/H output of the boiler;
3) the minimum btu/h load of the smallest zone calling and
4) the desired/acceptable temperature rise (delta T) of the tank (usually 20-40 degrees F).
When you plug in all the necessary numbers, the answer will be the suggested size of the buffer tank in gallons. For example, if we had a boiler with a Btu/h input of 150,000 and the smallest zone load was 5000 Btu/h and the system could accept a 40°F rise, what size buffer tank would be needed? 
In this particular system, with a 72.5 gallon buffer tank and the smallest load calling, the boiler would run for a minimum of 10 minutes and operate more efficiently.
Some might say that the additional cost of the tank would be prohibitive, but when compared against the life of the system, the cost of energy and the efficiency points gained by the longer “on-times”, I think the benefits outweigh the additional equipment costs.
If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me at or call me at FIA. 1-800-423-7187.

Recently, steam systems with problems—for whatever reason—have been coming at me fast and furious. I have been receiving phone calls, emails and called to jobsites with steam systems that are experiencing all kinds of problems. I have noticed though, with all of the jobs, there is one constant—the guy or guys solving (or creating) the problem really didn’t understand the nuances that a steam system brings to the table. I’m talking about such things as the fact that:

  • A steam system is filled with air any time the system is off and if you want heat, you have to get rid of all the air before the steam can get in and heat the radiation.
  • A steam system operates NOTHING like a water system…the steam, when manufactured in the boiler, desperately wants to turn back into water and it will do so whenever it touches something cooler than itself. If you don’t make enough, it will NEVER reach the furthest radiators.
  • Steam boilers today really aren’t capable of producing dry steam internally, which is why manufacturers insist that you pipe the boiler according to their installation manuals.
  • Steam boilers today are VERY different from the old boilers we are replacing. Some of those differences are good; unfortunately there are several that can be very bad and make someone want to quit their job if those differences aren’t taken into account!

In addition to looking at these problem steam jobs, I have also been writing stories about and designing hydronic systems that use Air to Water Heat Pumps.
Many in the industry view these machines as “State of the Art” technology. Their compressors incorporate invertor technology which, in the “compressor world” is state of the art. The invertor basically allows the compressor to operate like a variable speed pump, and the expansion valve can operate over a wide range of loads, allowing the heat pump to extract heat from lower outdoor air temperatures than was previously possible. But at the end of the day, for any of these air conditioners and heat pumps to work at all, it all comes down to the vapor compression refrigeration cycle.
What does this have to do with an article about steam systems with problems? If you understand the vapor compression cycle—and IF you understand what a steam system is trying to accomplish—both systems have similar attributes.
Here is what I mean…
To make steam, the boiler HAS to heat the water in the boiler up to the water’s boiling point. What is the boiling point? It depends on what pressure the system is operating under. When a steam system operates under higher pressure, the water’s boiling point is higher. Also the temperature of the steam is hotter.
Two types of heat
Now, when I say the boiler has to heat the water, there two types of heat needed to make steam. Sensible Heat is the type of heat that a thermometer can sense. For example, when the boiler is operating at 2 psig, the boiler has to provide enough sensible BTUs to heat the water to 219°F.
The other type of heat is known as Latent Heat. This is the amount of energy (BTUs) that is required to change the water’s state from liquid to vapor. Why? Remember, we are dealing with a steam system. For it to work, you HAVE to change the water into vapor. So in our example, the boiler would have to add an additional 966 BTUs of latent heat per pound of steam. That is five times greater than the amount of sensible BTUs that was needed to bring the water to a boil under 2 psig. Now when this 219°F steam travels out into the system and fills a radiator, it condenses back to water. And the temperature of the water can be 219°F, but the radiator has received 966 BTUs that it uses to warm the room.
When any medium goes through a phase change, it will either be absorbing or releasing a tremendous amount of energy. And that is how I was drawing a parallel between the vapor compression cycle and steam systems. In the compression cycle, instead of water, refrigerant is used which has many favorable characteristics for the refrigeration process. It can operate under extreme temperature conditions (extreme relative to what we consider normal);  it can also change state and go from a liquid refrigerant to a vapor and then condense back to liquid, all the while absorbing and releasing energy (heat) to where it’s needed (as a heating application) or from where it is not wanted (as in an air conditioning application).
Of course there is no boiler in the refrigeration cycle. Instead, an evaporator is used to help change the refrigerant’s phase and the compressor is used to increase the pressure on the vapor, resulting in a high temperature gas.
Before the vapor enters the compressor, it first flows across the evaporator as a cold liquid refrigerant. The volume and temperature of the cold liquid is controlled by an expansion valve. Outdoor air, or some other substance (such as geothermal) is flowing across the other side of the evaporator. The cold liquid absorbs the heat from the outdoor air (or geothermal field) and changes its state into a low temperature vapor.
To prevent damage to the compressor, it is critical that only vapor and NO liquid enter the compressor. The low temperature vapor gets “compressed” into a high temperature gas that now flows across a heat exchanger. The cooler medium (return air from the ductwork or water from a hydronic system) flows across the other side of the exchanger. This cooler substance (air or water) absorbs the energy from the vapor, causing it to condense back to its liquid form. In the condensing process, a tremendous amount of energy is transferred.
When we take it back to our steam heating systems, the boiler is our evaporator—and to some extent—our compressor. Its job is to add enough sensible AND latent BTUs so that the water is changed into steam (vapor). When the steam enters the radiator, its surface and surrounding air temperature is cooler than the vapor (steam) causing it to condense back to water (liquid). In doing so, it gives off a tremendous amount of energy (BTUs) to the space.
So how does analogy help solve or prevent steam system problems? Make sure the boiler is making good, DRY steam. When it makes wet steam, the water in its liquid state “robs” the vapor of its latent BTUs. When this happens, the steam is condensing in the piping network and NOT where it’s needed…in the radiators!
How do we make good DRY steam? Make sure the new boiler is piped according to the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Do what they say!
A bouncing water line in the boiler can also make wet steam. If the water is moving in the gauge glass, it’s an indicator that the water in the boiler is dirty. It needs to be skimmed to rid the boiler of any oils and debris that cause surface tension on the water, prohibiting the steam bubbles from making their way through the surface and out to the system.
When a boiler is undersized or underfired, it can’t produce enough steam to fill all of the radiators. The condensor side of the system (the radiators) is bigger than the evaporator side (the boiler). It is imperative that when you replace a steam boiler, go upstairs and measure the amount of radiation in the house (apartment, school, church, etc…). Then size the replacement boiler to the connected load.
Whenever you are dealing with a steam system, it is vital that the boiler is making DRY steam. If it isn’t, don’t waste your time chasing other symptoms or complaints…ALWAYS start with DRY steam.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me at or call at 1-800-423-7187.

Opportunities this season
As the heating season approaches, the landscape, with regards to residential and commercial mechanical rooms, has drastically changed. Over the years, when you entered a typical boiler room somewhere up here in the Northeast, it was very common to find a sectional cast iron boiler or boilers and usually some type of indirect heating appliance for domestic hot water. It could be a side-arm heat exchanger with a storage tank or a storage tank with the heating coil installed directly inside. Nowadays it has become “almost the norm” to walk in and find very highly efficient modulating and condensing gas-fired boilers (either LP or Natural). These boilers are not your average “run of the mill” atmospheric gas boilers either, because their efficiencies range between 90 to 96%. They use a Neg/Reg gas valve and fan assembly which means the amount of gas that flows into the burner for combustion is regulated by the fan assembly’s blower speed. The blower speed is controlled by an onboard micro-processor that is performing several internal calculations to determine the appropriate amount of BTUs needed to satisfy the call. Hence the modulating part…it only uses the amount of gas necessary to satisfy whatever load it is currently “seeing”.
Most of the residential models have a “turn down” ratio of 5 to 1, meaning they can fire down to 20% of their total capacity and, of course, all the way up to 100% of their capacity. It has become quite common in larger residences to install two or more smaller “mod/con” boilers that, when combined, can handle the home’s total load. But more importantly during the normal course of the heating season when the home is operating at part load, the boiler plant consumes just the amount of energy needed to satisfy the current load the house is “seeing”. The same holds true for commercial applications such as apartment buildings, condominiums, churches and schools.
The larger commercial “mod/con” boilers offer turn down ratios up to 10 to 1. That means with a couple of commercial boilers, you can fire down to 5% of the total BTU capacity of the boiler plant! With this type of turn down, building owners are experiencing fuel savings in the range of 35–40% and higher!
Boiler Facts excerpt
Another unique feature with these boilers is the venting options. The blower motor is designed to not only Opportunities this heating season… bring combustion air into the burner assembly but also vent the residual products out of the building. Most of the “mod/con” boiler manufacturers have approved their boilers to use several different vent materials. They are approved to be vented with PVC, CPVC, polypropylene and stainless steel vent pipes. Each manufacturer provides very detailed instructions on the “Do’s and Don’ts” regarding how to properly vent their boilers. Following these instructions is critical to allow the boilers to operate efficiently. Naturally, all of this piping needs to be sealed tight to meet the venting codes.
So where is the opportunity?
These boilers encourage the condensing of their flue products, which is the exact opposite of traditional boilers. Their heat exchangers are designed to withstand the corrosive nature of the condensate that forms when the combustion products are condensed. Of course, this condensing action is where the additional efficiency points are obtained. Some of the  byproducts of this condensing can gather upon the boiler’s heat exchanger. If allowed to accumulate, they will negatively impact the boiler’s efficiency performance, which is why the manufacturers all suggest an annual inspection and cleaning of the heat exchanger, if necessary. Also, the venting should be inspected to make sure nothing has changed that could interfere with the operation of the boiler.
This means EVERY “mod/con” boiler NEEDS to be inspected each year. One of the oil industry’s shining stars has been their reputation for service and maintenance. The need for these high efficiency boilers to be maintained is a perfect opportunity for a company that has a service department to offer service contracts to home owners and commercial property owners and management companies. Most of the boiler manufacturers or their local representatives offer classes on servicing these new “mod/con” boilers, which I strongly suggest attending.
What else?
A new style of “smart” pump is making its way into the North American hydronics mechanical rooms: ECM pumps. ECMs (electronically commutated motors) are very different from the PSC (permanent split capacitor) motors we have been using in our wet rotor pumps. This new style motor is sometimes called a “brushless DC” motor. The rotor in ECMs have permanent magnets, instead of wire windings that are separated from the system fluid. The magnets are located inside a stainless steel rotor container and react to the magnetic forces created by electromagnetic poles in the stator.
A microprocessor which “sits on board” the pump reverses the polarity of the stator poles rapidly (within milliseconds), forcing the rotor to be rotated in the proper direction. The faster these poles reverse their polarity, the faster the rotor spins, meaning the faster the impeller spins.
ECM circulators can provide four times more starting torque compared to a PSC wet rotor pump. This additional starting torque pretty much eliminates the concern of a pump experiencing a stuck rotor after a summer shutdown. 
ECM pumps incorporate a microprocessor that has software on board allowing the pump to perform many functions. For example, one application may call for a constant pressure differential where the building is partitioned with zone valves. Normally, as valves close, the pump would develop additional head pressure across the remaining open zones, causing an increase in flow rate through these zones. This wastes energy as well as creating potential noise problems due to increased velocity. With a constant differential in pressure capability, as valves close, the pump momentary senses an increase in differential pressure and quickly slows down the pump’s speed to eliminate the change in pressure. The result is no change in flow rate through the remaining open zones, no wasted energy and no velocity noise problems.
Another application that the microprocessor can control is called proportional differential pressure. The circulator control is set for a specific design head loss for a system. Now when the zone valve (or valves) closes, once the pressure differential starts to climb, the circulator reduces its motor speed. The difference here deals with proportional control; instead of maintaining a set differential, it will lower the speed and thus cause a pressure differential proportional to the reduction in flow rate. The result is an increased reduction in energy consumption.
The efficiency of these “greener” circulators is designed to meet the ever increasing efficiency standards that are slowly making their way over to North America. The “wire to water” efficiency these circulators have are higher than the current PSC wet rotor circulators. The multiple application capabilities, with the on-board microprocessors, as well as the reduction in wattage use make ECM circulators very compelling alternatives to the industry’s current offerings.
You should become aware and comfortable with this newer technology.
If you have any questions or comments please call me at 1-800-423-7187 or email me at